Busting myths – Why some businesses are still not choosing the Cloud

Busting myths Why some businesses are still not choosing the Cloud

When talking to Business Owners, IT Managers, and Finance Managers about moving business IT systems into the Cloud, we often hear the same reasons not to. What has become clear is that there are a lot of myths and rumours about the Cloud that are simply untrue.

Here, we bust some of the most commonly believed and spread myths about Cloud IT and Cloud migration.

MYTH: The Cloud is not secure

While it is important to have a strong cybersecurity plan in place, having a physical server in the office does not necessarily make a significant difference in terms of security. Data stored in the Cloud, on a properly configured and secured cloud-based system can be just as secure, if not more so, than data stored on a physical server.

In fact, cloud-based systems often provide an additional layer of security, by making it more difficult for hackers to access data. They are also automatically updated to keep ahead of evolving cybersecurity risks. It is essential to prioritise cybersecurity for all businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are often targeted by cyberattacks.

By properly securing on-premises and cloud-based systems, businesses can effectively protect themselves against potential cyber threats. As a Cloud specialist, Extech Cloud can ensure that your cloud systems are configured to take advantage of that extra protection.

MYTH: Moving to the Cloud will cause too much disruption to my business

There is never a good time to make significant changes to a business. However, an initial feasibility study, helps to determine exactly how to successfully migrate systems to the Cloud for a smooth transition. That includes incorporating existing systems and processes so operations continue as they were only in the Cloud.

Following that discovery process, the digital transformation itself (the act of migrating the IT system into the Cloud), involves minimal input from the perspective of the business. The technical elements are taken care of behind the scenes, by a Cloud specialist such as Extech Cloud. So, when it comes to the switch’, to working in the Cloud, it’ll be virtually seamless for you and your team. Another thing we commonly hear our customers saying, when they do migrate to the Cloud, is I wish I’d done that earlier!.

MYTH: A Cloud-based system will replace our IT Manager

Some myths come from the understandable position of job preservation for IT Managers. However, moving to the Cloud is beneficial to the IT manager. Extech Cloud, for example, works closely with companies and their IT team (who know the operations inside out) to support the migration process. An important element of that is setting up systems and operations in a way that enables them to focus on elements other than support tickets. Ultimately, being in the Cloud will benefit your IT Manager, making their job easier, as well as benefitting your business.

MYTH: The software and applications we use daily won’t work in the Cloud

Many businesses that use specialist legacy systems and software, such as accountancy or legal firms, are understandably concerned that their systems won’t be compatible in the Cloud. Unfortunately, some software vendors will state that their software or applications won’t work in Microsoft Azure, without really knowing if it’s possible. The key here is that they don’t know. They may simply not want to over-promise. With a feasibility study it is possible to identify what is or is not possible and though it may not always be exactly straightforward, with the right expertise, a Cloud specialist can usually identify a way to make a legacy system function within the Cloud.

MYTH: We are already in the Cloud

As more apps become Cloud-based it is easy to assume that because you’re using one or two of those, that you are already operating in the Cloud’. However, that may not be the case! We often ask businesses, How Cloud are you?, and it transpires that they are not fully migrated. Rather that they have a Cloud storage solution, for example.

It is worth noting that some companies that have not yet successfully migrated, may be subscribed to Cloud services that they are not even using.  In this case, the businesses are often paying twice – for their subscription as well as on-prem servers and hardware.

It may be because the IT provider or manager doesn’t fully understand how to migrate the business systems completely to the Cloud. Perhaps an element of job preservation comes into it as well. That’s where a Cloud specialist like Extech Cloud can come in and work with the IT team or manager to support a complete Cloud migration.

MYTH: Operating in the Cloud will be more expensive than our current set-up

It’s true that sometimes when calculating cost, it can appear that the cost is higher. However, unlike with a physical on-prem server, it is possible to place reservations on the subscription. You can disable unnecessary features when not needed. An Azure calculator helps to work out what’s necessary and how to reduce fees.

In fact, moving to the Cloud can actually help your business to reduce costs. In addition to only paying for what you use, there is no need to spend on expensive technology. The Cloud eliminates server hardware and management costs, breaks the IT CAPEX cycle as it’s a subscription model, and minimises the risk of costly cybersecurity breaches through human error.

MYTH: Our business doesn’t need to be in the Cloud – everything works fine as it is

While your business might be functioning perfectly well on the surface, working in the Cloud brings multiple benefits. It supports improved productivity, and efficiency, through hybrid working, as it enables easy collaboration from any location, using any device. And Microsoft Azure enables a limitless performance.

The Cloud infrastructure offers better cybersecurity than an on-prem server, and facilitates fast and effective disaster recovery, in the event of a successful cyberattack. Comprehensive cybersecurity and cloud backup are essential for every business.

MYTH: It’s a big commitment during uncertain times

It’s true that these are uncertain times. However, that is actually a good reason to migrate to the Cloud.

It enables scalability to accommodate changes in your business. Because you pay monthly, depending on the number of users, if your workforce reduces, you won’t be paying over the odds. You can scale as much as you like. Furthermore, Cloud computing provides an OPEX (operational expenditure) advantage to businesses as opposed to following a CAPEX (capital expenditure) model. This can be useful for budgets.

Have you ever heard any of these, or used them as reasons not to move your business to the Cloud? Think again, and get in touch today to find out how we can help.


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