Using Microsoft AI to support your business

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become a key part of our day-to-day, in life and in business. It’s likely that you are already using AI – and you may not even realise it!

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, Extech Cloud can help your small to medium sized business power your future using Microsoft AI capabilities. Microsoft AI is powered by Azure. Azure AI is a robust framework for developing machine learning, conversational AI, data analytics, robotics, IoT, and more.

We keep up to date with Microsoft’s AI offerings and ensure we stay at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies. We offer comprehensive solutions for impactful AI.

Find out more about Microsoft’s AI offering and capabilities.

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Microsoft AI Services

Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service provides businesses and developers with high-performance AI models, such as GPT-3.5, Codex and DALL∙E 2. Developers can rapidly consume high-level ‘finished’ services that accelerate development of AI solutions. Compose intelligent apps, customised to your organisation’s availability, security and compliance requirements.

Want to learn more about AI services from Microsoft?

Microsoft AI Infrastructure

Microsoft’s AI platform, Azure AI, offers infrastructure optimised and purposely built for running large AI models. Microsoft offers services and tools backed by a best-of-breed infrastructure with enterprise grade security, availability, compliance and manageability. Harness the power of infinite scale infrastructure and integrated AI services.

Discover more about the Microsoft Azure AI infrastructure

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft AI Tools

Microsoft AI tools and technologies are designed to benefit everyone at every level in your organisation.

Leverage a set of comprehensive tools and frameworks to build, deploy and operationalise AI products and services at scale. Use the extensive set of supported tools and IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) of your choice and harness the intelligence with massive datasets through deep learning frameworks to suit your needs.

Find out more about AI tools from Microsoft and Azure

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    Andy Hewitt
    Chief Technology Officer

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