The Human Firewall: 6 steps to design effective cybersecurity training

The Human Firewall: 6 steps to design effective cybersecurity training

Cyberattacks are becoming more common with 4 in 10 businesses* reporting cybersecurity breaches or attacks between March 2020 and March 2021. If you’re looking to safeguard your business, migrating to the Cloud is an important first step. You must also invest in the last line of defence, the human firewall, through effective cybersecurity training. Here are 6 steps to design effective cybersecurity training.

Cybersecurity training teaches employees about possible cybersecurity threats and incidents such as ransomware, which can irreversibly damage a business, how to identify security risks, and the process of reporting potential cyberattacks or poor security practices. All employees with access to company data play an important role in safeguarding their business from potential cyberattacks.

  1. Collect data to find weak points

For effective cybersecurity training focus resources on the weak points within your business. This data may be collected from previous cybersecurity incidents within your business or any near misses’. It is also important to consider any industry-specific threats your business might face, and tailor training to address these topics.

  1. Decide the scope of the training

When designing cybersecurity training for your business, cover enough information to equip employees to identify potential attacks, without overloading them with too much detail. Include topics such as phishing attacks, social engineering attacks, password hygiene and how to work securely whilst hybrid working. Remember that different roles in the company may have varying levels of access to data and associated risks.

  1. Set clear achievable goals

Set clear achievable goals to measure the success of cybersecurity training. This may include a decrease in cybersecurity incidents or near misses’. If you already run phishing simulation tests, aim to improve the results of subsequent tests.

  1. Implement engaging training

To be effective, training should be interesting, engaging, and relevant to your business and employee roles. Using simulations and real-world examples of previous attack attempts on businesses makes it easier for employees to connect with the training and highlights any areas of weakness.

  1. Evaluate to optimise training

After training is complete, measure the effectiveness to see if you have achieved the goals set in step 3. If not, it is important to understand why, and what can be done in future training sessions to increase effectiveness.

  1. Make learning an ongoing process

Cybersecurity training should not be a one-off, or even an annual task. Employees often forget elements of training, and new attack methods may arise. Make learning an ongoing process with refresher training, or frequent short, fun quizzes. Monitor KPIs to ensure that employees maintain their focus on cybersecurity.

What next?

Effective cybersecurity training develops a positive security culture within a business and operating solely in the Cloud can help to minimise the risk of a cyberattack.  There are many elements that need to work together to ensure businesses do not fall victim to a cyberattack. If you think migrating to the Cloud may be the right IT solution for your business, and you want to be sure, contact Extech Cloud for a no-obligation feasibility study today.


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