How does Extech Cloud support lawyers branching out alone?

You are not alone

How does Extech Cloud support lawyers branching out alone?

Caption: Extech Cloud supports new and existing legal firms with cloud-based solutions for legal IT systems

Individuals and businesses need to adapt to the pandemic-related changes and for some ambitious entrepreneurs within the legal system, this means leaving their legal firms and branching out to begin solo ventures, which can be daunting. When it comes to Cloud-based legal IT Solutions for start-up legal firms, the message from the team at Sussex-based Microsoft Partner, Extech Cloud, is You are not alone.

Extech Cloud has legal IT knowledge and experience

Despite the fact the legal industry is ahead in some areas, when it comes to IT systems and IT support, we have found it’s often lagging behind. This is could be due to consultants and previous IT companies opting for what’s easier, instead of what’s best for the law firm, or simply a lack of the necessary IT knowledge and expertise.

Extech Cloud provides tailored and SRA compliant legal IT services for law firms. We have completed hundreds of cloud transformation projects, including providing IT Cloud Support for legal firms. The Extech Cloud team is always on-hand to provide legal industry businesses with everything they need. We work closely with clients to help them take steps towards a new way of working, through cloud transformation.

Extech Cloud supports start-up businesses with IT solutions

We also understand what it’s like to start up a business on your own. Not only do we provide Cloud IT solutions to many start-up businesses, but Managing Director of Extech Cloud, Andrew Hookway, initially ran a large corporate firm for 10 years, before deciding to go his own way and creating Extech Cloud.

How can Extech Cloud support your start-up legal firm’s IT system?

Do you need to transfer all work to the cloud? Do you need to find new and innovative solutions for working remotely? We possess the IT knowledge and expertise required to run a successful start-up legal business. Extech Cloud provides customers with all necessary services under one roof, and can help new businesses get up and running in no time.

Concerns such as setting up with the right equipment, cabling options, or a more significant threat such as cybersecurity are inevitable when running your own business, however, the team at Extech Cloud are experts in helping the legal sector to adopt new technologies and keep ahead of competition.

Can Extech Cloud help large law firms with more complex IT infrastructure?

Although the team at Extech Cloud works with start-ups and small businesses, we have also completed digital transformations for much larger legal firms such as Hunters Law LLP. The large legal firm contacted Extech Cloud looking for a solution to upgrade its servers and overall infrastructure, when they were informed it was not possible by another IT company.

The team of experts at Extech Cloud has spent years working on, and refining, the journey to the cloud, making it a simple and smooth transition for businesses, like Hunters Law, and smaller start-up legal firms, to work effectively at anytime, anywhere. To date, the team has completed hundreds of cloud transformation projects, saving customers thousands of pounds, improving their overall performance, and making their staff happier as a result.

Contact Extech Cloud for IT Support today

We don’t just work with legal firms; we have helped companies in a range of industry sectors with Cloud IT solutions. If you’re thinking about transitioning your business to the cloud and you need some support, talk to an Extech Cloud specialist and transform your business for the better. You can call 01444 443200, email or fill out our contact form for a call back.

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