Has the pandemic made you sit back, reflect, and re-evaluate your work life?

Solo Business Owners

The past 12 months or so hasn’t been easy for anyone. However, for some, the pandemic has given them an opportunity to slow down and re-evaluate their lives, something they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do otherwise.


We’ve spoken with people who’ve decided that enough is enough and that it’s time to retire, along with many who’ve decided they want a change in career. More so than ever, we’ve spoken with people who have taken the brave decision to set up their own businesses.

In 2020 alone, over 13,000 new businesses were registered. The pandemic pushed people to do what they’d maybe been holding back from doing in previous years. What’s more, it showed that businesses can be setup from the comfort of your own home and that with the right systems in place, a lot can be achieved!

Being brave and branching out?

Within the professional services sector, which includes the likes of legal and accountancy industries, we are seeing an increasing number of people branching out on their own and starting their own businesses.

If you are one of these brave entrepreneurial people whom we admire and you would like to talk about the best ways to set up your IT in the Cloud, your fourth utility, then please do get in touch.

Engineering a flexible community

Our purpose is to engineer a flexible community and empower organisations, and people, achieve more.

At Extech Cloud, nothing makes us prouder than seeing what can be achieved and the difference it can make to business owners long-term.

If you’ve recently gone solo or are planning on doing so shortly and you’re concerned about being alone when it comes to your IT, fear not we would be delighted to help you get your business off to a flying start!

You’re not alone €“ we’re here to help

At Extech Cloud, we’ve spent years refining the process of cloud implementation for businesses just like yours whether you’re starting up alone or if there’s a group of partners that will need help our team of experts can help you start your journey to the Modern Workplace straightaway.

Contact us now and you could be the next customer to save thousands of pounds, improve your overall performance and ensure the future of your business.

Call 01444 443200 or email us at info@extech.co.uk for more information.

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